Does Vaping CBD Get You High?
If you are new to CBD, one of your questions is probably, “does vaping CBD get you high?” With the obvious connections existing between the cannabis and tobacco industries, there are many misconceptions regarding CBD. With that being said, in reality, vaping CBD does not get you high. Having many therapeutic benefits, vaping is a favorable option for getting a daily intake of CBD. This is due to its quick entry into the bloodstream, meaning that you won’t need to wait long to feel the effects.
To understand exactly why CBD does not get you high, we must look into where it is sourced from.
Sourcing CBD
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found naturally in the cannabis plant. Alone, the compound is non-psychoactive and does not create a high. This may cause confusion because there are high-CBD vape products on the market that do create a high. This psychoactive side effect is dependent upon where the CBD is derived from hemp or marijuana.
Both hemp and marijuana are cannabis plants that have naturally occurring CBD. The difference between the two is in the levels of THC. THC is possibly the most commonly known cannabis compound due to its psychoactive properties. Hemp is bred to have low THC and high CBD; in fact, to be legally considered hemp, the cannabis plant must have less than 0.3% THC. This is a trace amount that will not create a high. Marijuana is bred to have high THC; the levels of CBD in marijuana vary depending on the strain.
Vape products containing CBD derived from hemp are non-psychoactive and are legal in the United States according to the 2018 Farm Bill. Vape products containing CBD derived from marijuana are psychoactive and are only legal in the states that have legalized the medicinal or recreational use of marijuana.
The Alternate Vape line is made with hemp-derived CBD oil and is THC-free. These CBD vape products will not create a high. If you are interested in learning more about our products, visit our shop page.
CBD Vape Effects
CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system, which has been proven to have a significant impact on homeostasis. Homeostasis is the balance of our body and cells amidst external changes. A balanced endocannabinoid system has been linked to a number of therapeutic benefits.
In conclusion, when sourced from hemp, CBD does not get you high. With that in mind, it is important to buy from a reputable seller to ensure that the amount of CBD and THC listed on the label is what is in the product. To determine such, ask the manufacturer for a COA, or certificate of analysis. This will confirm the levels of chemical compounds in a CBD product.
Do you have any additional questions regarding the psychoactive effects of CBD? Leave a comment below!